Weekend Recap: Memorial Day Weekend

Hello Summer!

Highlights of my very low key Memorial Day Weekend: Sunshine, sales, and pie. Lots of pie.


I snagged a few summer pieces from J.Crew’s 60% off sale (Still going on!). I love a summer wardrobe of blue & white with pops of color:


And then there was pie.


I planned baking this incredible Mixed Berry Pie recipe by Elizabeth and Butter out over two days. Making the dough Friday night, then the filling and baking on Saturday afternoon.

The homemade pie crust was absolutely worth the extra effort.


My mixed berries of choice: frozen blueberries and raspberries. Any combination of berries works. I would make this again trying blackberries, strawberries, or even cherry.


The pie turned out delicious (Shoutout to my trusty Emily Henry pie dish and a truckload of butter)

It was the perfect compliment to a sweet weekend.

What fun plans were you up to this Memorial Day?

